Make Poverty a History

The biggest ever anti-poverty movement came together under the banner of MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY in 2005. Great steps forward were made, but the fight against poverty continues.

Trade Justice

Rich countries are blocking a global trade system that would help make poverty history. This injustice will only be changed if enough citizens across the world call on rich country governments to change their trade policies, for example at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

We need to stop people's lives being destroyed because of unfair trade laws - and you can help make that happen. Be part of the call for just and fair world trade. Take action with the member organisations of the Trade Justice Movement, the coalition continuing the campaign for trade justice.

Drop the Debt

Already, public pressure has forced rich countries to cancel some poor country debts. The progress seen on debt in recent years is down to people like you. Gordon Brown acknowledged that the G8 made further concessions in 2005 because campaigners had made debt "a crucial public issue".

But there is much more to do to end the scandal of poor countries paying money to the rich world. To find out how you can help bring about 100% cancellation of unpayable and unfair poor country debts, visit the website of Jubilee Debt Campaign.

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